Organizational Engagement

Over 650 people gathered to celebrate the number of families registered to vote. Attendees committed to vote in the general election and/or to turn out friends and family to vote. Mayor Garcetti affirmed Green Dot’s immediate inclusion in the College Promise Program, which provides free community college tuition to eligible students. Policy makers from across…

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United Parents and Students Assembly

Over 650 people gathered to celebrate the 2,074 parents, students and community members that UPAS registered to vote. Attendees committed to vote in the general election and/or to turn out friends and family to vote. In a powerful speech, Mayor Garcetti affirmed Green Dot’s immediate inclusion in the College Promise Program, which provides free community…

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Civic Engagement

To encourage civic engagement, family nights were held at DLH/AEO, HCLC, VEN/WMS, ING, and WAT/MAE. Over 1600 parents attended, breaking parent engagement records. to assist Green Dot voters, both experienced and new, UPAS held ballot parties at VEN, ARB, HCLC, DLH, and WAT to provide information from the official California Voter Information Guide

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Family Nights

Over 1600 parents and students attended family nights at Ánimo Watts, Ánimo Western, Ánimo Phillis Wheatley, Oscar de la Hoya Ánimo (combined event with Ánimo Ellen Ochoa), and Ánimo Venice (combined event with Ánimo Westside). Families had the chance to connect with one another and with the school, celebrate the new year, meet local non-profit…

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Get on the Bus Voting Day

Over 160 parents and students took buses from Ánimo South LA, Ánimo Jackie Robinson, Ánimo Venice, and Ánimo Pat Brown to Ánimo Watts High School to celebrate Election Day and their civic voice. Around 130 people voted together, 100 for the first time.

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Saftey Meeting

Parent and student leaders from Ánimo Watts and Ánimo Mae Jemison led an incredibly successful Community Safety Meeting. Over 180 parents and students attended and requested more patrols around the schools and resources to increase student safety. Community leaders such as Captain Chavez, Sheriff’s Department-Parks Bureau, Deputy Bolanos, Sheriff’s Department-Parks and Recreation, Ron Fisher, Field…

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Meeting with Mayor Garcetti

As a follow up to the 1850-person United Parents Assembly held on December 5, 2014, parent leaders met with Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti at Oscar de la Hoya Ánimo Charter High School to take action on the platform issues of safe streets, job opportunities, and higher wages. The Mayor committed to work with United…

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Delegates Assembly

400 parents, students and school site staff joined together with community leaders at Locke High School to continue pushing for cleaner and safer streets, more job opportunities, an end to wage theft, and more opportunities for civic engagement. Each school delegation discussed issues specific to their communities, and attendees completed a survey to guide United…

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Advocated for Safer, Cleaner Streets

On November 7, 2015, over 200 parents gathered at Ánimo Ralph Bunche and Ánimo Jefferson with the Captain of the LAPD Newton Division, the Neighborhood Prosecutor, and the Councilmember’s office to request support with eliminating illegal dumping in the community and increasing safety. Officials committed to increasing cleanups and patrols.

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United Parents and Students Supports the Minimum Wage Rise to $15

80 Parent Leaders worked with leadership from LA Mayor Eric Garcetti and the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO) to raise the LA City and LA County minimum wages to $15 an hour by 2020. Leaders of United Parents and Students played a significant role in this successful campaign.

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